
Timespan's Artist in Residence programme is supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Eurpoean Community Highland Leader 2007-2013 Programme

Tuesday 6 July 2010

An explanation of sorts

As well as these longer walks I go out from Timespan each day and walk over the Telford Bridge and up around West Helmsdale and Gartymore, then back down to Helmsdale via either the A9 bridge or the beach and the path beside the river. The River Helmsdale is quite narrow and as it passes beneath the two bridges before reaching the sea its level becomes a focus for my attention. I begin to watch the water closely, noting its ebbs and flows, the difference in its surface according to weather and light – the vegetation and animal life around – the stones and sand on the river bed that are revealed twice each day. The summer nights are light and this year the sky is overcast much of the time, during this stay I never see the moon but can guess its nearness to the Earth by the height of the water under the bridge. Before coming here I thought that any work I made would contain elements like water and processes like time - and now watching the tidal flow of the river I decide that water and time and place will be the focus.

1 comment:

  1. Aileen,
    would you like to borrow my canoe?
    i agree - rivers are fascinating.
    like your writing.
