
Timespan's Artist in Residence programme is supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Eurpoean Community Highland Leader 2007-2013 Programme

Thursday, 16 September 2010

You may have noticed that all my images have rocks in them, and that is where my research has taken me, to what is under our feet, the geologists Peach and Horne have been my inspiration. As was this, what was being exposed on a dig on Orkney - fasincating what is below us, hidden, but influencing that lie of the land.


  1. How is the BOX project going. I don't see any follow up yet.

  2. Hi David, the Field Studies project, so which the boxes are an intregral part is going really well thanks. You'll be seeing more evidence as the blog grows! Do hope your Box 110 is coming along, and look forward to seeing it:) We'd like it back by Oct 8th if at all possible please.
